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  • Figments In Hollis' Hot Streak
  • Emotional Baggage In Hollis' Hot Streak
  • Memory Vaults In Hollis' Hot Streak
  • Half-A-Minds In Hollis' Hot Streak
  • Nuggets Of Wisdom In Hollis' Hot Streak

Hollis' Hot Streak is the third level in Psychonauts ii and has you diving back into the mind of Hollis Forsythe to gear up the damage you accidentally did terminal time. Because of this, not only are there some similarities between the locations, merely y'all'll also find that some of the collectibles actually carry over betwixt the levels, such as Emotional Baggage.

Ane of import thing to annotation is that for each section of the level, you lot'll visit a weird realm that acts every bit a platforming challenge. These sections are called "Back Rooms" and will exist referred to as such. You lot'll exist able to return to them when revisiting the level.

Figments In Hollis' Hot Streak


Unfortunately, figments are incredibly hard to keep runway of in Psychonauts 2, as they're essentially the game'southward version of coins or rings, with some levels having more than 200 of them. Psychonauts 2 also won't tell you where you've plant items afterwards y'all've picked them up, then Figments tin be very difficult to clear if you lot don't know where you're looking. Thankfully, each level does take a figment listing you can access at any time. It won't tell you where the figments are, but it might indicate you to where in the globe you're missing a few collectibles based on the pattern. Here's the full list for Hollis' Hot Streak.


Emotional Baggage In Hollis' Hot Streak

Emotional baggage are arguably the biggest collectible in Psychonauts 2. There are five different types you can detect in each level, although non every level will have all of them. You'll be able to spot Emotional Baggage equally you'll hear them crying and Raz will ofttimes annotate that in that location's one nearby.

To collect the baggage, you'll too need to find the tag elsewhere in the level. Hollis' Hot Streak is technically a continuation of the Hollis' Classroom level, which means that it won't have all of the types of Emotional Luggage.




The Purse tag tin can be plant in the Maternity section. Exit the pipe equally shortly as y'all enter this department and you'll run into Mental Connection blips behind y'all. Utilise those to go on top of the pipe and grab the tag.



When you get to the cuboid-shaped vault, go into the room that says "Records". In here y'all'll find the Purse, on the first bend down the corridor.




This tag can be found in the Maternity section of the level, in the Dorsum Room platforming role of the level. Yous'll come to a point where fries are rotating near a tower of die. Bound on a chip and let it accept you lot to the tag, which is on the rails that the chips follow.



The Dufflebag can be found in the Motherhood section of the area. You'll need to unlock the Dark Thoughts upgrade to Mental Connection, which lets you connect to special thoughts and tin can be unlocked from Level 30. Where y'all apply Mental Connectedness to achieve the platforming department, look to the left to see the Nighttime Thoughts. The Dufflebag will exist upwardly at that place.




The Suitcase Tag tin can be found on the roof of the hospital in the left side corner.



The Suitcase can exist found in Cardiology, sat on the table of one of the booths.

Memory Vaults In Hollis' Hot Streak

Memory Vaults

Retentiveness Vaults render from the offset Psychonauts and in one case again offer actress insight into the character whose heed yous're in. Once you notice a Retentivity Vault, you'll need to intermission information technology open by hitting information technology.

Memory Vault 1


The simply Memory Vault of this level can be found in the Doc'south Merely section of the level. Simply enter this expanse and follow the loop and yous'll run across the Memory Vault.

Half-A-Minds In Hollis' Hot Streak


One-half-A-Minds are a new collectible in Psychonauts 2. As the proper noun suggests, they are one mind split into two, and f inding two separate pieces will give you lot one extra brain'southward worth of health.

One-half-A-Mind ane


The first Half-A-Mind can be found at the start of the level and is reached using Mental Connection.

Half-A-Mind two


Similarly, the 2nd Half-A-Listen is found in the same room, on the ground floor of the classroom.

Half-A-Listen 3


This Half-A-Mind can be found in the Motherhood department of the level, in the Back Room platforming section. Y'all'll see the One-half-A-Heed later on going through a set of doors. It'south sat on some seating in front end of Raz, and you'll need to use the levitation brawl to reach it.

Half-A-Heed four


The final Half-A-Listen can be found in the Cardiology section of the world, in the Back Room department. When you're nearing the end of the Dorsum Room section, keep platforming until you lot see fries rotating with bombs on peak of two of them. On the dice near these 2 platforms is the final Half-A-Heed.

Nuggets Of Wisdom In Hollis' Hot Streak

Nugget of Wisdom

Nuggets of Wisdom are another new collectible in Psychonauts 2. Each level has a different design for them, simply you'll be able to discover them past their gold glow. Collecting ane volition instantly increase your rank past ane point.

Nugget of Wisdom one


This Nugget of Wisdom can be constitute on top of the Hospital's roof signage at the starting time of the level.

Nugget of Wisdom 2


The second Nugget can be found in the Records section of the level. Follow the path towards the 2d bend and you'll see a small desk and estimator. Fire the poster in forepart of you to detect the Nugget sat in the room.

Nugget of Wisdom 3


The third Asset of the level can be found in the Chemist's department. You'll demand the Dark Thoughts upgrade for Mental Connection, which can be unlocked at Level 30. When you're in the Back Room section of the level, look around for a Night Thoughts connection near the showtime. Follow it to reach the Nugget.

Nugget of Wisdom iv


This Asset can be found in the Cardiology section of the level, but you'll demand the Project ability from much subsequently in the game. Return when yous've got it, and use information technology on the door in one of the rooms of Cardiology.

Side by side: Psychonauts ii Complete Guide And Walkthrough